Vision Quest

Possibly the most powerful retreat of the world

Vision Quest in Tenerife

What is a vision quest about?

In a brief explanation, it is an ancestral way to find a new perspective for your life. The acquirring a clarity that drives you in an authentic direction. A time to realise of our ballasts, concepts, ideas, attachments, old hurts that we no longer need..

In a spiritual level it is a renewal yourself, a reconnection with the divine nature, heaven and earth. With your inner Self that speaks valid wisdom.

It is a feedback, a time in which dreams speak to re build your present. It is healing time. The internal listening of the shaman that we all carry inside. A time to strengthen your weaknesses to leave behind what you are not.

Many beautiful things happen

Allow brother and sister that the flower blossom within you and open the great doors of grace and blessing.


Crying for a Vision Quest

The person usually undertakes a vision quest in an isolated area, generally without food or water. The "seeker" remains isolated as long as it takes to achieve the desired goal; the quest may last up to three or four days.

Quest design varies according to the tribe's culture and the purpose for seeking a vision. A successful vision quest will produce contact with a spirit helper or guide.

This guides presence is often signaled by a visionary experience or contact with an animal.

All men and women can "cry for a vision" or what Black Elk calls "lament," but only the worthy will receive one. To undertake a Vision Quest in the proper way, a Wičasa Wakan - Holy Man - should advise the seeker and interpret the vision.

The most important reason for the Vision Quest is so a person can understand better his/her oneness with all things and gain knowledge of the Great Spirit.

A person undertaking a Vision Quest first goes with a tabaccoo to the guide and asks him or her to be his guide and pray for him or her.

Before the vision quest, the Inipi ceremony is conducted to purify the seekers.

The seeker then takes his pipe or some tobacco and goes to his isolated place, often on a high mountain or bluff. The seeker stays at the sacred place and prays for a vision. Visions often come to the seeker in the form of an animal, and dreams carry the most powerful visions.

At the end of the Vision Quest , the helpers return and take the seeker back to the sweat lodge. The seeker tells all he has seen and heard to the Guide or shaman who interprets the vision.

A Vision Quester in Tenerife

A Vision Quester in Tenerife


Ancient Rites


Testimo Búsqueda Visión en Tenerife